repertoire - DELIUS, Frederick

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(This list excludes a wide repertoire of lighter music, including operetta and Gilbert and Sullivan, as well as a large number of “teaching” concertos and smaller concert works from the baroque.)

A * denotes that a commercial recording is available. Many other recordings of works from this selection exist, taken from broadcasts, studio recordings and in 'live' performance.

DELIUS, Frederick Appalacia
Irmelin Prelude
Dance Rhapsody No 1 and 2
On Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring
Summer Night on the River
Sea Drift
Songs of Sunset
North Country Sketches
La Calinda
Brigg Fair
Concerto for Violin
Concerto for Violin and Cello
Concerto for Violin and Viola
Caprice and Elegy for Cello
In a Summer Garden
The Walk to the Paradise Garden
Intermezzo and Serenade from "Hassan"
The Song of the High Hills
A Song Before Sunrise
A Song of Summer