repertoire - HAYDN, Franz Joseph

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(This list excludes a wide repertoire of lighter music, including operetta and Gilbert and Sullivan, as well as a large number of “teaching” concertos and smaller concert works from the baroque.)

A * denotes that a commercial recording is available. Many other recordings of works from this selection exist, taken from broadcasts, studio recordings and in 'live' performance.

HAYDN, Franz Joseph Symphonies Nos 1, 2, 4, 6 Matin, 7 Midi, 8 Soir, 14, 17,
22 Philosopher, 24, 26 Lamentations, 30 Hallelujah,
38, 39, 40, 43 Mercury, 44 Trauer, 45 Farewell,
53 Imperial, 59 Fire, 60, 63 La Roxolane, 71,
73 La Chasse, 83 Hen, 93, 94 Surprise, 95, 96 Miracle,
99, 100 Military, 101 Clock, 102, 103 Drum Roll,
104 London
Concerto for Trumpet
Concertos for Cello Nos 1 and 2
Concertos for Violin No 1, 2 &3
Concertante for Violin, Cello, Oboe and Bassoon
Concerto for Organ No 2
Seven Last Words (chamber orchestra version)
The Creation
The Seasons
Nelson Mass
Missa in tempore belli