repertoire - STRAVINSKY, Igor

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(This list excludes a wide repertoire of lighter music, including operetta and Gilbert and Sullivan, as well as a large number of “teaching” concertos and smaller concert works from the baroque.)

A * denotes that a commercial recording is available. Many other recordings of works from this selection exist, taken from broadcasts, studio recordings and in 'live' performance.

Apollon Musagète
Le Baiser de la fée
Capriccio for Piano
Le Chant du rossignol
Circus Polka
Concerto for Violin
Concerto for Piano and Wind Instruments
Concerto in D
Danses concertantes
Dumbarton Oakes
Firebird Ballet (1911)
Firebird Suites (1919 and 1946)
Four Norwegian Moods
L'Histoire du soldat
Jeu des cartes
Oedipus Rex
Quatre Etudes pour Orchestre
Le Sacre du printemps
Scènes de ballet
Suites for Small Orchestra Nos 1 and 2
Symphony of Wind Instruments
Symphony in C
Symphony in Three Movements